Itinerary Sixth Grade


Mrs. Kolbach, Mrs.Schmitt- Girls High HILL Whistle
Mrs. Ashley , Mrs. Rutan – Girls Low HILL Horn
Mr. Garcia, Mr. Mayfield, Mr. Rodgers  - Boys’ POND Bell

Mrs. Ashley, Mr. Jung and Mr. McVie in support


6:30 a.m. – Meet at school for 7:00 departure.
o   Arrive and begin shuttle to the barn. Unpack snacks into bins and bags in front of the barn.
o   Full group meets for tent assignments and to snack/hydrate.
o   Make your tent your home. Then, pack a daypack w/ water containers, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, raingear, journal, pen/pencil and extra layer. ZIP up tent with all belongings inside. Meet at the barn.
o   Lunch: choice of ham, turkey, cheese, PBJ sandwiches, chips, fruit, cookies

Boys Pond and chaperones dine when bell rings
Mr. Mayfield and 3 students help serve and clean.
Each student washes & dries his/her own dishes and wipes the table
Girls High Hill and chaperones dine with Whistle
Girls Low Hill and chaperone dine with Horn

o   At sound of horn, gather at the barn for small-group assignments and schedule for the afternoon.
o   Rotation 1 – Banner and Chant (30 minutes)
Blue Buffalo
Barn Downstairs
Mrs. Rutan
Green Moose
Lunch Tables
Mr. Garcia
Red Marmots
Lunch Tables
Mrs. Kolbach
Dotted Elk
Barn Upstairs
Mr. Rodgers
Striped Deer
Barn Upstairs
Mr. Mayfield
Free – Mrs. Schmitt

o   Gather at the barn to share banners and chants, snack/hydrate.
o   Talk about safety and expectations for the trip. Talk about journal prompts to come.
o   Rotation 2 – Small-group activities (40 minutes)

Blue Buffalo
Mrs. Schmitt
Green Moose
Mrs. Rutan
Red Marmots
Mr. Garcia
Dotted Elk
Mrs. Kolbach
Striped Deer
Mr. Rodgers
Free – Mr. Mayfield

o   Rotation 3 – Small-group activities (40 minutes)

Blue Buffalo
Mr. Mayfield
Green Moose
Mrs. Schmitt
Red Marmots
Mrs. Rutan
Dotted Elk
Mr. Garcia
Striped Deer
Mrs. Kolbach
Free – Mr. Rodgers

o   Gather at the barn for a 30-minute break to hydrate, snack and journal. What have you not liked about the rotation activities? Who is surprising you? Why? How? What challenges you? What are doing well to build community and yet take care of yourself? Not so well? What are your goals in the next three rotations?

o   Rotation 4 – Small-group activities (40 minutes)

Blue Buffalo
Mr. Rodgers
Green Moose
Mr. Mayfield
Red Marmots
Mrs. Schmitt
Dotted Elk
Mrs. Rutan
Striped Deer
Mr. Garcia
Free – Mrs. Kolbach

o   Rotation 5 – Small-group activities (40 minutes)

Blue Buffalo
Mrs. Kolbach
Green Moose
Mr. Rodgers
Red Marmots
Mr. Mayfield
Dotted Elk
Mrs. Schmitt
Striped Deer
Mrs. Rutan
Free – Mr. Garcia

o   Rotation 6 – Small-group activities (40 minutes)

Blue Buffalo
Mr. Garcia
Green Moose
Mrs. Kolbach
Red Marmots
Mr. Rodgers
Dotted Elk
Mr. Mayfield
Striped Deer
Mrs. Schmitt
Free – Mrs. Rutan

o   Gather at the barn to snack, hydrate and journal. What are your hopes and goals for this trip?
o   Free choice: Play card or board games or horseshoes, explore the nearby pond… and stay in line-of-site of the teachers at the pond or the teachers at the barn. Wooded cabin area is off limits.

6:45 p.m. – Dinner - burgers and dogs with chips, salad, cookies

Girls Low Hill and chaperone dine with Horn
Mrs. Kolbach and 3 students help serve and clean.
Each student washes & dries his/her own dishes and wipes the table
Boys Pond and chaperones dine when bell rings
Girls High Hill and chaperones dine with Whistle

o   Meet upstairs in the barn after eating to talk about evening schedule.
o   Storytelling, singing, games and campfire in thirds. Divide class in coed thirds.

First Rotation
Night Group 1
Night Group 2
Night Group 3
Upstairs Barn
Cabin Deck

Second Rotation
Night Group 1
Night Group 2
Night Group 3
Upstairs Barn
Cabin Deck

Third Rotation
Night Group 1
Night Group 2
Night Group 3
Cabin Deck
Upstairs Barn

o   All reflect together. Share tomorrow’s schedule.

9:00 p.m. – Prepare for sleep. Brush teeth with water bottle away from tents. Use wipes to clean face. Secure all wipes in a trash bag and not on ground.

9:30  p.m. – Students in tents. Teachers check tents until all is quiet.


7:15 a.m. – Time to rise and shine, pack a daypack w/ water containers, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, raingear, journal, pen/pencil and extra layer. Zip tent with everything inside.
7:45 a.m. – Breakfast: instant oatmeal, pop tarts, breakfast bars, cinnamon toast, bacon, hot chocolate, warm apple juice

Girls High Hill and chaperones dine with Whistle
Mrs. Schmitt and 3 students help serve and clean.
Each student washes & dries his/her own dishes and wipes the table
Girls Low Hill and chaperone dine with Horn
Boys Pond and chaperones dine when bell rings

o   Boys Pond and chaperones meet in schoolhouse for reflection. Mr. Garcia leads. Pack before hiking to reflection with all that will be needed for Jenkins’ Pond fishing and polar bearing (snacks, plenty of water, change of clothes, towel, sunscreen, fishing gear, PFD).

o   Girls and chaperones meet upstairs in the barn for reflection. Mrs. Schmitt leads.

o   Girls split into two groups
·      60 minutes – Group A with Mrs. Schmitt, Mrs. Rutan create a personal Mandala fusing art and reflection, make thank you cards and create name art while Group B with Mrs. Kolbach and Mr. Rodgers travels to see horses and/or buffalo
·      60 minutes  – Group B switches with Group A

o   Full Girls Group Activity – 60 minutes

12:30 p.m. – Lunch: grilled-cheese sandwiches, soup, fruit and cookies

Girls Low Hill and chaperones dine with Horn
Mrs. Rutan and 3 students help serve and clean.
Each student washes & dries his/her own dishes and wipes the table
Girls High Hill and chaperone dine with Whistle
Boys Pond and chaperones dine when bell rings

o   Girls and chaperones pack before hiking to Jenkins’ Pond with fishing and polar bearing gear (snacks, plenty of water, change of clothes, towel, sunscreen, PFD).

o   Boys split into two groups
·      60 minutes – Group A builds something while Group B travels to the see horses or buffalo
·      60 minutes  – Group B builds something while Group A travels to the see horses or buffalo
·      Full Boys Group Activity – 60 minutes

6:00 p.m. – Snack bins are closed until after breakfast.

6:30 p.m.Dinner:  spaghetti, pasta sauce, fajita meat topping, parmesan cheese, salad, French bread, cookies, 

Boys Pond and chaperones dine when bell rings
Mr. Garcia and 3 students help serve and clean.
Each student washes & dries his/her own dishes and wipes the table
Girls High Hill and chaperone dine with Whistle
Girls Low Hill and chaperones dine with Horn

o   Meet upstairs in the barn after eating to talk about evening schedule.
o   Mr. Mayfield, accompany small groups of 5-10 students to view night sky through scopes with Mr. Sniegowski
o   Divide class in coed halves. Engage in games, music, skits….

First Rotation
Second Night Group 1
Second Night Group 2
Upstairs Barn
Cabin Deck or Downstairs Barn

Second Rotation
Second Night Group 1
Second Night Group 2
Cabin Deck or Downstairs Barn
Upstairs Barn

o   Full-group meets for reflection

9:30 p.m. – Prepare for sleep. Brush teeth with water bottle away from tents. Use wipes to clean face. Secure all wipes in a trash bag and not on ground.

10:00 p.m. – All students in tents. Teachers check tents until all is quiet.


7:15 a.m. – Rise and shine. Pack all gear and transport it to the barn. Sweep out tents. Wipe out tents. Have a chaperone approve of the tent and surrounding area and assign you to help someone else. Receive a breakfast ticket from a chaperone when your help is complete.

8:00 a.m. – Breakfast is available to students with ticket. After breakfast, free time at the barn.

o   After everyone has had breakfast, meet at barn for directions, reflection, and journaling: Summarize your feelings at this moment. What are you proud of doing on this trip.

o   Mrs. Schmitt and student crew of 4 oversee final clean up of cabin area and preparation of lunches for the ride home.
o   Mrs. Kolbach and student crew of 4 oversee sweeping and cleaning out of barn. Leave it nice for 7th grade.
o   Mrs. Rutan and Mr. Rodgers each with a 5-student crew, ensure that each tent is empty, clean and zipped up.
o   Mr. Garcia and Mr. Mayfield and student crew of 4 load bus and any other available vehicle with bags.
o   Meet the big busses for the ride home around 10:30 a.m.